
Hereโ€™s a list of the projects Iโ€™ve followed over the past four years:

Mo.Re Farming - a MOnitornig & REmote system for a MORE sustainable farming ๐Ÿšœ

The Mo.Re Farming project aimed to develop a platform for the collection and management of spatial and farm data, to provide the user (technician or farmer) with information to support decision-making and promote more sustainable farming techniques, such as site-specific management (precision farming).

Nutrivigna ๐Ÿ‡

The Nutrivigna project, aimed to improve the nutrient efficiency and reduce the environmental impact of wine production, through the development and dissemination of different tools:

Here are some results are shown during the final conference held on 31-05-2018

Positive - Scalable Operational Protocols for precision agriculture ๐Ÿ’ง

The Positive project had the following objectives:

The standards and protocols developed during project POSITIVE will be available and fully documented to be freely usable by all companies (both farms and equipment providers) interested in precision irrigation and fertigation

Soipomi ๐Ÿ…

The SOIPOMI project aims to make more and more central the role of the O.I. of processing tomatoes in the process that generates information to support the supply chain, so as to be able to manage them and play a leading role of hinge between the agricultural and industrial world for a greater appreciation of the tomato on the markets. Through the development of a system of crop classification and production forecasting starting from Sentinel 2 ESA satellite images to derive technical information that can be used to better plan the various interventions both by the farm and the processing industry. Another objective is to have real-time data during the campaign to know the quantities delivered to industries and their quality levels, so as to better manage the planning of harvesting and processing.

For further information click here

Agro.Big.Data.Science ๐Ÿฅฌ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿฅ

The project intends to apply the data driven logic to 3 production chains (kiwi, pear and spinach), complete with the necessary sensors for real-time data collection. Agro.Big.Data.Science, the result of the project, will be the landing point for the development of specialized solutions for the agri-food domain and has the following objectives:


The Bioeconomy project GRACE is made up of a unique consortium of 22 partners from both academia and industry and also includes SMEโ€™s, farmers and an industrial cluster. These are joining forces to demonstrate three goals:

In this project, I assisted my colleague Giorgio Impollonia (the one and only) in the development of an algorithm for the estimation of Miscanthus moisture and an algorithm for the estimation of biophysical parameters using UAV multispectral images ๐Ÿš .

ClieNFarms ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ…๐Ÿšœ

ClieNFarms is an Innovation Action project funded by the European Commission to support the European Green Deal. It aims to co-develop and scale up systemic, locally relevant solutions to foster climate-neutral and climate-resilient farms across Europe.

Supporting the Farm to Fork (F2F) strategy, contributing to the achievement of its objectives, the ClieNFarms project aims to demonstrate, evaluate and improve technical, organisational and financial solutions at the farm level that will contribute to achieving climate-neutrality of European agriculture by 2050. This will be done by a multi-actor approach, interactively integrating and improving existing solutions to achieve economically viable business models in farming systems by involving farmers, extension services, agri-food business, policymakers, finance and citizens. These solutions will be disseminated, and young farmers will be targeted through capacity building.


Farms4Climate is a PRIMA funded project (EUโ€™s Horizon 2020 programme) that seeks to unlock opportunities linked to carbon farming for Mediterranean smallholders. The Farms4Climate project is coordinated by AIR Institute (Valladolid, Spain), started on April the 1st 2022, and will last for 36 months. It is based on the creation of 6 living labs that will promote the diffusion of 6 regenerative agricultural practices relevant to the 6 selected territories (southern Spain, southern Italy, northern Italy, coastal Tunisia, coastal Egypt, desert Egypt).